Same hardware setup as in the previous blog post.
And here is the source code:
NodeMCU custom build options. |
ESP8266 -- DISP -- ESP8266 OPTION 1 OPTION 2 -------------------------- | ST7735B 1.8 TFT | | | GND -- | GND (1) | 3V3 -- | VCC (2) | | NC (3) | 3V3 -- | BL (4) (1) RST | -- GPIO16 (D0) | NC (5) (2) CS | -- GPIO15* (D8) GPIO16 (D0) -- | RST (6) TFT (3) D/C | -- GPIO02 (D4) GPIO02 (D4) -- | RS (7) TFT (4) DIN | -- GPIO13 (D7) GPIO13 (D7) -- | SDA (8) TFT (5) CLK | -- GPIO14 (D5) GPIO14 (D5) -- | SCK (9) TFT (6) VCC | -- 3V3 GPIO15* (D8) -- | CS (10)TFT (7) BL | -- 3V3 | CLK (11)SD (8) GND | -- GND | MISO (12)SD | | MOSI (13)SD | | CS (14)SD | | NC (16) | | NC (15) | -------------------------- *) pull-down 10k to GND
ESP8266 NodeMCU dev board connected to 16pin interface of TFT |
ESP8266 NodeMCU dev board connected to 8pin interface of TFT |